Sunday, June 28, 2015

June 22 letters

To Dad:
The new area is nice. I am in the city of Chimoio which is in the province of Manica. We are the only missionaries in this province. It is definitely richer than my last areas but still super awesome. It's just weird having an entire city almost as big as Beira as your area. obviously it is a branch and the frequency number is usually around 100ish I guess. I'll send some pictures next week, I've yet to take any of the new stuff. We have an entire house to ourselves and it's pretty big because it has had 6 missionaries there before. Maybe the next mission president will send more. My comp is super nice and we're working super hard. The success is the best of these outside isolated areas but the area isn't going amazingly right now. This week we just did a ton of working with finding new people though that I'll explain more in the email to mom. 
To Mom:
So the first few days of the new house were pretty rough. We didn't have any water and apparently hadn't had any water for several months. The house was very dirty and bucket showers just really suck. I wasn't going to accept that as a way of living, however, and promptly took steps to fix the water situation. We got water on Saturday and I was able to go really hard in cleaning of the house. It's still not done but there is a huge difference. Also, I gained a large appreciation for real showers., although the current showers are super hard to control so I have to be careful not to burn myself.

Also, we didn't have a ton of investigators when I got here so Elder McAllister and I have just gone crazy in really digging in and finding new people. Several new families showed up to church this week with a total of 9 new investigators at church and more still to come. I'm super excited to see the progress of this area because it truly has so much potential. Leaving Elder Keck was a bummer but Elder McAllister is really cool and I'm excited to work here in Chimoio. 

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